Judges 2
Started Judges yesterday and there are so many things to think of in this chapter:
1. The angel of the Lord, Himself, came to Israel to rebuke them for not obeying Him by clearing out the remainder of the inhabitants of the land He had given them. Bochim was the name of the place.
2. v. 10 All that generation also were gathered to their fathers and there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord, nor yet the work He had done for Israel.
tho't - This was the next generation. Surely some of them would have been alive for the battles. Even if it were the 3rd generation, what happened to oral tradition of families???? Do you not know stories of your grandparents? Did you not know your grandparents as a child?
take away - It is so important to teach our children about the Lord, to live out our relationship with Him before them, and allow the Lord to put them and us in situations where we and them learn to trust Him for things that would be impossible for us alone. Muse....I wonder how many more opportunities our children have had to see this as a result of us being missionaries????? On second thought...anyone called out by the Lord, of which all Christians are, will have opportunities to trust - that's the nature of faith..